

Over 300 plus years, Lucton has produced many distinguished alumni including Sir Charles Irving who became a Conservative Member of Parliament; Eustace Jotham who was awarded the Victoria Cross (the highest award for valour on the battlefield); Thane Bettany, a well known actor and dancer; Jan Pienkowski, famous illustrator, writer and designer; William Chase and Graham Baker, successful entrepreneurs.

The Old Luctonian Association is the Lucton alumni organisation and all students leaving Lucton Chongqing will become members of this association. Social events are held and there is the opportunity to network with the 1400 members across the world.

Visit Us:No. 86 and No. 80 Xiyang Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing, China
Call Us:173 2397 4995 / 173 6529 1917 / 133 4020 8885
Email Us:admissions@luctonchongqing.com
